5 Ways to Enjoy Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables in Meals
Feb 26, 2025
Add Seasonal Produce to Daily Juice I personally add all the seasonal fruits and veggies (mostly supergreens) into my daily juice. Combining everything together ensures you get all your nutrients in one glass, rather than having to consume bowls and bowls of produce in a day. The last batch I made included: grapefruit - lemons - ginger - supergreens mixed berries - honey - turmeric cayenne pepper I've even found that downing this fresh concoction first thing in the morning provides more energy than a cup of coffee. As for meals, I always chop up supergreens really fine and add them to any of the sauces I cook... whether it's a cream sauce, a marinara or a cheese sauce. It's almost like hiding your veggies in every bite!
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